Refractory Testing
Standard Test Method for Load Testing Refractory Shapes at High Temperatures
A 25 psi load is applied to 9" x 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" or 3" bricks during a specified heating schedule. A minimum of two specimens per type/brand is suggested by ASTM. The percent deformation is measured on each brick after testing simultaneously in a gas-fired kiln up to 3150°F.
Standard Test Methods for Apparent Porosity, Water Absorption, Apparent Specific Gravity, and Bulk Density of Burned Refractory Brick and Shapes by Boiling Water
The apparent porosity, bulk density, apparent specific gravity, and water absorption are determined by the boiling method. Testing of five specimens (1/4 brick or a 25 to 30 in3 piece) per type/brand is suggested by ASTM.
Standard Test Method for Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of Fireclay and High Alumina Refractory Materials
Compares the deformation of prepared cone specimens with Orton PCE test cones. Indicate approximate cone value anticipated or describe material. A representative sample of 150 gm or more of granular material to pass a No. 70 ASTM Sieve (No. 65 Tyler) should be submitted.
Standard Test Methods for Sieve Analysis and Water Content of Refractory Materials
Water Content: A 2 to 5 lb. representative sample of material should be submitted. Sieve Analysis: Tyler Standard series sieves are used. A 2 to 5 lb. representative sample of material should be submitted.
Cold Crushing Strength And Modulus of Rupture of Insulating Firebrick
Crushing Strength: The crushing load is applied to the 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" face of half bricks. Testing of 10 specimens per type/brand is suggested by ASTM.
MOR: Flexural strength is determined in three-point bending on 9" x 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" or 3" bricks. Testing of ten specimens per type/brand is suggested by ASTM.
Standard Test Method for Reheat Change of Refractory Brick
Three 9" x 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" or 3" bricks are heated on a specified heating schedule and the percent linear change is reported. At least three 9" bricks per brand/type are suggested by ASTM. For volume change, add $10 per specimen.
Standard Test Methods for Cold Crushing Strength and Modulus of Rupture of Refractories
Crushing Strength: The crushing load is applied to the 2" x 2" face of a 2" cube, or the 2" diameter face of a 2" diameter x 2" high cylinder. Testing of five specimens per type/brand is suggested by ASTM.
MOR: Flexural strength is determined in three-point bending on 9" x 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" or 3" bricks. Other sizes can be used depending on the material. Testing of five specimens per type/brand is suggested by ASTM.
Standard Test Methods for Size, Dimensional Measurements, and Bulk Density of Refractory Brick and Insulating Firebrick
These test methods cover procedures for measuring size, dimensional measurement, bulk density, warpage, and squareness of rectangular dense refractory brick and rectangular insulating firebrick.
Standard Test Method for True Specific Gravity of Refractory Materials by Water Immersion
A water immersion technique is used to determine the true specific gravity of a ground specimen. A completely representative sample is required for the analysis.
Standard Test Method for Drying and Firing Linear Change of Refractory Plastic and Ramming Mix Specimens
Three 9" bricks are molded in a press at 1000 psi and the linear drying and firing shrinkage is determined. A 50 lb. representative sample should be submitted, including a specification of the type/class of the material.
Standard Test Method for Workability Index of Fireclay and High-Alumina Refractory Plastics
The workability/consistency of as-received material is determined. Cylindrical specimens are impacted under a 14-lb. load and the percent deformation is reported. The testing of five specimens is recommended by ASTM. A 10 lb. representative sample should be submitted, including the production date for the material.
Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Firebrick
The heat flow through a refractory is determined with a water-cooled copper calorimeter. The temperature limit of refractory must be specified, as well as the hot face or mean test temperatures desired. The maximum hot face temperature for testing is 2700°F. The specimens required are six 9" bricks or an 18" x 13.5" x 2.5" slab.
Standard Test Method for Cold Bonding Strength of Refractory Mortar
Fireclay brick halves are bonded with a 1/16" thick joint. After air and oven drying, the MOR is determined for the brick/joint assembly. Testing of 5 specimens is suggested by ASTM. At least 10 lbs. of mortar should be submitted for analysis.
Standard Test Method for Pier Test for Refractory Mortars
A multiple brick pier is made with 1/8" thick vertical and horizontal joints. The assembly is air and oven dried, and then fired for 5 hours at the specified temperature. If the mortar flows from the joints during firing, it fails the test. At least 10 lbs. of mortar should be submitted of analysis.
Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Refractories
The heat flow through a refractory is determined with a water-cooled copper calorimeter. The temperature limit of refractory must be specified, as well as the hot face or mean test temperatures desired. The maximum hot face temperature for testing is 2700°F. The specimens required are six 9" bricks or an 18" x 13.5" x 2.5" slab.
Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Refractory Brick
The heat flow through a refractory is determined with a water-cooled copper calorimeter. The temperature limit of refractory must be specified, as well as the hot face or mean test temperatures desired. The maximum hot face temperature for testing is 2700°F. The specimens required are six 9" bricks or an 18" x 13.5" x 2.5" slab.
Standard Test Method for Reheat Change of Insulating Firebrick
Three 9" x 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" or 3" bricks are fired for 24 hours after which the percent linear and volume changes are measured.
Standard Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials
Surface and volume electrical resistivity of insulating materials are determined by DC, as well as by AC methods. Specimen dimensions and electrode configuration are determined on an individual basis.
Standard Test Method for Disintegration of Refractories in an Atmosphere of Carbon Monoxide
Shows the comparative behavior of refractory products with accelerated exposure to nearly pure CO at 940°F. The sample performance is rated based on the ASTM visual criteria. Specimens shall be 9" x 2 1/2" or 3" square in cross section. Maximum capacity of the test furnace is 50 specimens.
Standard Test Method for Bulk Density of Granular Refractory Materials
A 3 mesh by 8 mesh specimen of about 70 gm is weighed, boiled in water, and its volume measured using a buret. A sample of at least 5.5 lbs. should be submitted as recommended by ASTM.
Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance
The resistance of the concrete mixture to penetration by standard needles is measured. The initial and final setting times are determined from a plot of penetration resistance versus time. A sample of at least 25 lbs. should be submitted.
Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Unfired Monolithic Refractories
The heat flow through a refractory is determined with a water-cooled copper calorimeter. The temperature limit of refractory must be specified, as well as the hot face or mean test temperatures desired. The maximum hot face temperature for testing is 2700°F. The specimens required are six 9" bricks or an 18" x 13.5" x 2.5" slab.
Modulus of Rupture of Air-Setting Plastic Refractories
Five 9" x 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" or 3" bricks are prepared in a hydraulic press at 1000 psi. MOR is determined after drying and firing the specimens.
Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
A diametral compressive load is applied along the length of a cylindrical specimen (2 diameter x 4 high) until tensile failure occurs.
Standard Test Method for Permeability of Refractories
Air or nitrogen is used to determine permeability. The direction of flow should be indicated by arrows on the specimens. Testing of four 2" cube specimens of each type/brand is recommended by ASTM.
Standard Test Method for Modulus of Rupture of Refractory Materials at Elevated Temperatures
Flexural strength is determined for 1" x 1" x 6" bars at temperature in three-point bending. Price includes a 12 hour hold at the test temperature. Testing of five specimens per type/brand is recommended by ASTM.
Standard Test Method for True Specific Gravity of Refractory Materials by Gas-Comparison Pycnometer
A volume displacement technique is used to determine the true specific gravity of a ground specimen. A completely representative sample is required for the analysis.
Reheat Change Of Fireclay Nozzles And Sleeves
Specimens (25 to 26 in³) are taken from four different sleeves or nozzles and fired per Schedule D of ASTM C113 (2460°F reheat). The percent linear and volume changes are measured.
Standard Test Method for Isothermal Corrosion Resistance of Refractories to Molten Glass
The corrosion resistance of a specimen (0.39" x 0.39" x 2.0" ) in contact with molten glass under static, isothermal conditions is determined.
Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Refractory Materials at Room Temperature
The volume of materials abraded by a specified exposure to SiC grit blast is measured. Specimens are typically 4 1/2" square and 3" thick.
Standard Test Methods for Apparent Porosity, Liquid Absorption, Apparent Specific Gravity, and Bulk Density of Refractory Shapes by Vacuum Pressure
A vacuum is used to determine the apparent porosity, bulk density, liquid absorption, and apparent specific gravity. Testing of five specimens (1/4 brick or 25 to 30 in³ piece) per type/brand is suggested by ASTM.
Standard Test Methods for Residual Carbon, Apparent Residual Carbon, and Apparent Carbon Yield in Coked Carbon-Containing Brick and Shapes
Used for characterization and comparison of carbon containing brick and shapes. A 1" x 3" x 6" specimen is suggested by ASTM.
Standard Test Method of Measuring Thermal Expansion and Creep of Refractories Under Load
This method determines thermal expansion and creep under a 25 psi compressive stress for 50 hours. Other compressive stresses, up to 100 psi can be specified. The percent linear change is recorded continuously during the heat up and creep period under load. Specimen size is 1 1/2" square by 4 1/2" long. Two specimens are suggested by ASTM.
Standard Test Method for Determining the Consistency of Refractory Castable Using the Ball-In-Hand Test
This method determines the optimum water content and consistency of castable products. Consistency is judged with the Ball-in-Hand method or measured with the Flow Table method.
Standard Practice for Preparing Refractory Concrete Specimens by Casting
Five brick specimens are prepared using the water content determined in ASTM C-860. This procedure assures the preparation of uniform samples for testing purposes. At least 50 lbs. of each material for testing should be submitted. Mixing is performed in a Hobart mixer and casting is performed either by spading or by vibration.
Standard Test Method for Evaluating Oxidation Resistance of Silicon Carbide Refractories at Elevated Temperatures
Steam is used to accelerate the oxidation of SiC refractories at elevated temperatures. ASTM specifies a 500 hour test duration at a temperature between 800°C and 1200°C. The average volume and bulk density changes are measured on three specimens per material.
Standard Practice for Firing Refractory Concrete Specimens
Firing schedules are for five refractory concrete specimens made in accordance with ASTM C-862 and classified by ASTM C-401. Price includes linear change measurement.
Rotary Slag Testing of Refractory Materials
This method compares the bhavior of refractories to the action of molten slag in a rotating furnace. Five specimens and a control constiute a lining. Specimens are machined from 9" straight bricks.
Standard Test Method for Bulk Density and Volume of Solid Refractories by Wax Immersion
This method is used to determine volume and bulk density of a refractory of any shape providing it has sufficient structural integrity to permit handling. At least five representative specimens, as suggested by ASTM, should be supplied.
Standard Practice for Preparing Test Specimens From Basic Refractory Gunning Products by Pressing
Five brick specimens are prepared using the water content specified by the manufacturer. This procedure assures the preparation of uniform specimens for testing purposes. At least 50 lbs. of each material for testing should be submitted. Mixing is performed in a Hobart mixer and specimens are formed at 1800 psi.
Standard Practice for Preparing Test Specimens from Basic Refractory Castable Products by Casting
Five brick specimens are prepared using the water content specified by the manufacturer. This procedure assures the preparation of uniform specimens for testing purposes. At least 50 lbs. of each material for testing should be submitted. Mixing is performed in a Hobart mixer and casting is either performed by spading or by vibration.
Standard Practice for Preparing Test Specimens from Basic Refractory Ramming Products by Pressing
Five brick specimens are prepared using the water content specified by the manufacturer. This procedure assures the preparation of uniform specimens for testing purposes. At least 50 lbs. of each material for testing should be submitted. Mixing is performed in a Hobart mixer and specimens are pressed at 10,000 psi.
Standard Test Method for Vapor Attack on Refractories for Furnace Superstructures
Scope 1.1 This test method covers a procedure for comparing the behavior of refractories in contact with vapors under conditions intended to simulate the environment within a glass melting or other type of furnace when refractories are exposed to vapors from raw batch, molten glass, fuel, fuel contaminants, or other sources. This procedure is intended
ASTM C1054
Standard Practice for Pressing and Drying Refractory Plastic and Ramming Mix Specimens
Five brick specimens are prepared at 1000 psi. This procedure assures the preparation of uniform specimens for testing purposes. At least 50 lbs. of each material for testing should be submitted.
ASTM C1099
Standard Test Method for Modulus of Rupture of Carbon-Containing Refractory Materials at Elevated Temperatures
Flexural strength is determined for 1" x 1" x 6" bars at 2550°F in three-point bending. Testing of five specimens per type/brand is recommended by ASTM.
ASTM C1113, ASTM C1113M
Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Refractories by Hot Wire (Platinum Resistance Thermometer Technique)
The hot wire technique is a transient, intermittent isothermal method for measuring thermal conductivity. A thin platinum wire is placed between two appropriately prepared 9" bricks of same density. Heat generated by current applied to the wire is conducted away from the wire at a rate dependent on the thermal conductivity of the material. Minimum of two bricks required.
ASTM C1171
Standard Test Method for Quantitatively Measuring the Effect of Thermal Shock and Thermal Cycling on Refractories
Determination of the relative thermal shock resistance of refractories by using 5 alternating 10 minute heating at 2190ï‚°F and cooling in air cycles. Ten specimens 1" x 1" x 6 per type/brand are required by ASTM, and both the actual and percent change in strength and ultrasonic properties are reported.
ASTM C1223
Standard Test Method for Testing of Glass Exudation from AZS Fusion-Cast Refractories
Specimens (1" x 1" x 4.0" ) are subjected to temperatures that produce glass exudation. The quantity of exuded glass is calculated from the volume change.
ASTM C1419
Standard Test Method for Sonic Velocity in Refractory Materials at Room Temperature and Its Use in Obtaining an Approximate Young's Modulus
Approximation of Young's Modulus is calculated through sonic velocity measurements in 3 directions. The velocity of sound waves is measured using a James V-meter.
ASTM C1445
Standard Test Method for Measuring Consistency of Castable Refractory Using a Flow Table
This test method covers the procedure for determining the consistency of castable refractory mixes by the flow table method.
ASTM C1446
Standard Test Method for Measuring Consistency of Self-Flowing Castable Refractories
This test method covers the determination of the consistency (degree of self-flow) and working time of self-flowing castable refractories. This test may optionally be used to determine working time of self-flowing castables.
ASTM C1548
Standard Test Method for Dynamic Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio of Refractory Materials by Impulse Excitation of Vibration
A non-destructive sonic method is used to determine the modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity for calculation of Poisson's Ratio. Bars of rectangular cross-section are used for the measurements.
DIN 51053, ISO 3187
Determination of Creep or Refractoriness Under Load
One cylindrical specimen (50 mm diameter x 50 mm high) is tested per firing. The percent linear change is recorded continuously during the heat-up and creep period under load. The minimum size required is a half brick. Standard conditions are 0.2 N/mm2 (29 psi) load and 50 hour hold.
Other Testing Options:
Alcoa Modified Aluminum Cup Penetration
Alcoa Modified Disintegration of Refractories by Alkali
Alkali Resistance
Bonding Strength After Firing
Chemical Analysis
Corrosion Resistance of Refractories to Molten Glass
Curing or Drying Change
Microscopic Analysis
Periodic Kiln Firings
Ultrasonic Velocity
X-ray Diffraction Analysis
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