That's a wrap on the Thermal Measurement Workshop! What a great group of attendees! The smaller class size allowed for more hands-on learning and time for in-depth discussions.
· This workshop featured insightful lectures and practical sessions focused on the critical aspects of thermal behavior in materials.
· Covered topics such as thermal stability, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, and thermal shock, including their theory, properties, and measurement techniques.
· Hot Disk Theory and Practice: Discussed the Hot Disk method for measuring thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and heat capacity. The afternoon sessions included sample testing, Orton facility tours, and demonstrations.
· Provided practical experience with advanced instruments like the Hot Disk TPS for thermal conductivity measurements and dilatometers for precise thermal expansion analysis.
· Participants tested samples, enhancing their understanding and skills with real-world applications.
Thank you, The American Ceramic Society, for helping make this happen!
Interested in attending the next one? Follow us for the next date!
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