Advanced Thermal Properties of Refractories
In response to industry demand Orton has partnered with the American Ceramic Society to offer the online course "Advanced Thermal Properties of Refractories." The course will consist of four live online 3-hour lectures and laboratory demonstration.
Course Description
This course is an intensive combination of classroom lectures and live laboratory demonstrations that address the thermal properties of refractories, both theoretically and experimentally. The individual sessions are titled in the accompanying outline of the daily topics. The lectures are taught on the undergraduate senior / graduate level. The fundamentals, along with application to refractories, are emphasized. The live laboratory demonstrations are designed to give the participants experience with common thermal property tests.
Course Objectives
The primary objective of this course is to provide the participants with an in depth understanding of the thermal properties of refractories. The live laboratory demonstrations are designed to provide the participants with direct experience in fabricating test specimens and the application of standard ASTM test methods.
Who Should Attend?
Engineers and scientists who are involved in the manufacturing, research and development, or consumption of refractory materials will find this course beneficial. A high level technical or engineering background is essential to take this course, although technical professionals may find the subject matter informative and useful.
For Additional Questions Contact
Dr. Joseph Homeny
The Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation
Phone: (614) 818-1323
Fax: (614)-895-5610